Entrepreneur, Expert, Speaker

Peter Hacker is a passionate, internationally sought-after Swiss expert in his field who thinks outside the box. The speaker, entrepreneur and author research the topics of digital change, cyber crime and underwriting. He gives keynotes and lectures from Frankfurt to Sydney to New York, describing challenges, opportunities and solutions using real examples that drastically influence companies and politics. The importance of cyber risks as a threat to Individuals, SMEs, Large Corporate Companies and Ministries has increased rapidly in the last 18 months. Cybercrime is booming and can have a massive impact on the security and stability of companies and countries.

“Cyber crime is a ticking time bomb.”

In his role as entrepreneur, Peter runs his own company Distinction.Global (www.distinction.global). This Cyber Risk Observatory focuses on cyber threat development, incident aggregation and management at Board Level using Manual Knowledge Transfer and AI Capabilities to support Boards, Risk Management, Legal, Underwriting, Security and Product Teams.



It is no longer an ‘if and when’ situation around a potential cyber attack. In far too many cases, intruders may well be in a company’s system having caused them unrecognised significant losses for too long.

A clear evidence of the shift in digital criminals’ tactics are recent massive ransomware, dedicated distributed denial of service (DDoS) and cyber espionage attacks causing in some cases material business interruptions and interferrences.

Unprecedented changes require companies to be certain their strategies – from cyber security, (re)insurance to stakeholder management – match risk landscape developments.


The past 15 months have shown us at Board Level that we have to be increasingly prepared for extraordinary, parallel risk situations that not only suddenly affect the global economy, but can also affect the everyday life of each and every one of us. Unparalleled risks such as pandemics, cyber and supply chain go hand in hand, and do not respect any kind of borders.

Peter reports on such security vulnerabilities and technology developments that make the digital attacks possible or avoid them. For two decades he has been advising top managers of large banks, insurance, tech companies and local, regional organizations in their fight against the invisible enemy.

As featured In


Cybercrime: Unlocking the mystery at Board Level

Five years ago, Cyber Security was not in front of minds of most boards. 10 years ago, most boards even did not know what the term meant. Today most boards are paying attention, some more than others. People are starting to realize whatever this thing is, and what it means. Chief Executive Officer can get fired.

Any Company or Director can become victim of Cybercrime at any time. It’s just a matter of ‘WHEN AND NOT IF’ an attack occurs. If you want to survive a catastrophic cyber incident in today’s world, you better think outside the classic IT–Security box, understand your fiduciary duties and stress test in real terms your response plan and incident partners. Cybercrime is a business and not just a technical issue. The enterprise is at risk if not handled appropriately.

Social organization: Quo vadis society?

We are still at the beginning of the digital era. Governments, the global economy and regulatory bodies are challenged. Digitalization is driving a geopolitical reorganization. The future brings new forms, intelligent cities, living and autonomous driving, but also the danger of increased electronic warfare (‘non–‐kinetic warfare’), a shift of power and possibly distrust, exponentially increased and unwelcomed dependence.

The Lessons Learnt: 'Covid-19'

Whether by chance or consciously, the ‘real viruses'(Covid‐19),allow companies and risk teams to learn important lessons for their cyber security strategy. Attacks can also affect companies whose systems run current, regularly updated and properly patched software. Certain malware shows how important it is to restrict administrator privileges. A simple way is ‘leasing’ privileges so that employees who need them only have access to admin rights for a certain period of time.

Cybercrime and Cyber Warfare

The arms race backed by artificial intelligence and state–sponsored actors shifts towards corporations. This is a war without a classic warrior. It doesn’t matter whether it’s automatic or autonomous. Cyber weapons, like Tomahawk Missiles, are just as disastrous, but even faster and more fatal for balance sheets and nations.

Internet of everything: disruptive, global, complex

Artificial intelligence makes things of our everyday life come to life. These network with people, but also with things. It changes us all. Our society is evolving into a mega–computer that allows security measures to be taken while at the same time promoting growth, better understanding our customers and changing our society, but this comes at a price. Are we prepared to pay it?

Digital revolution (AI): survival in the 21st century

We live in a fascinating time, in which the only constant is change. In some cases, the change rates are already beyond our ability to keep up and respond effectively. We would do well to treat future opportunities and risks through artificial intelligence (AI) with equal priority. In a networked world, cyber attacks by AI have the potential to be a destructive weapon for companies, industries and states of all kinds.

Fake news, extortion and espionage in a hyper–connected world

Our future will be less predictable, more unpredictable, more vulnerable and more exciting. States are fighting for supremacy in digitalization. Technology providers, individuals, hacker organizations and terrorist groups are changing the security situation. Thanks to networking, viruses, malware and codes offer new means of power and violence. It’s a known unknown world.

The power strategy of artificial intelligence: utopia or reality

The fight between California, Moscow and Shenzhen takes already place, and marches fast on the second half of the chessboard. Some believe data, data analysis, data thieves and artificial intelligence are the pillars for power and the world’s future conquest. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. However, our society and politics are changing rapidly today.


Discover more of Peter’s own Publications and Speaking Agencies.


List of Engagements

With more than 250 presentations and board advisory sessions globally over the last 10 years, Peter is a leading expert in Cyber Crime and Digital Revolution. Peter speaks fluently German, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.


Speaker Reel

Peter Hacker is a passionate, internationally sought-after Swiss expert in his field who thinks outside the box. The speaker, entrepreneur and author research the topics of digital change, cyber crime and underwriting. He gives keynotes and lectures from Frankfurt to Sydney to New York, describing challenges, opportunities and solutions using real examples that drastically influence companies and politics.


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Interview Special Keynote ITSA

Peter Hacker is a passionate, internationally sought-after Swiss expert in his field who thinks outside the box. The speaker, entrepreneur and author research the topics of digital change, cyber crime and underwriting. He gives keynotes and lectures from Frankfurt to Sydney to New York, describing challenges, opportunities and solutions using real examples that drastically influence companies and politics.